Junior Program
Our program introduces golf to the younger ones from 5yrs to 16yrs, with focus and emphasis to allow them to appreciate and enjoy the game with sound fundamentals of the golf swing.
As they progress, they will gradually enhance on their playing and ball striking ability with golf course exposures and understanding the application of golf rules and etiquette.
Level 1
Brief history on golf and introduce how the game is played.
Create fun to learn golf with excitement.
Light aerobic exercises and stretches with golf related swings.
Understand the skills required, demonstrate and practice (swing drills).
Level 2
Introduction to basic golf fundamentals.
Focus on basic posture, grip variation and swing variations.
Understand the skills required, demonstrate and practice.
Introduction to woods and short game.
Level 3
Focus on playability skills.
Learn the theories of golf rules and etiquette.
Preparation to play on course.
Able to pass the PC Test and upgrade to the next level.
Level 4
Encourage to attain their Handicap.
Participate on Junior Golf Competition held in schools or Clubs.
Encourage to participate in Major Golf Tournaments.